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See why Nevada is recognized as a national leader in computer science.

Science • Technology • Engineering • Mathematics
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See why Nevada is recognized as a national leader in computer science.
In partnership, the Nevada Governor’s Office of Science, Innovation and Technology (OSIT) and the National Institute for STEM Education (NISE) are excited to announce the launch of the OSIT NCST Pilot Cohort! Thirty-five educators and leaders, working in collaborative groups from school districts across the state, are engaged in high-quality STEM professional learning to positively impact Nevada students’ success!
Founded by two active research paleontologists, the Nevada Science Center launched with the idea to bring communities together through science education and research. Rebecca Hall and Dr. Joshua Bonde bring their experience as researchers and as educators together to provide a community-based science center with a mission dedicated to delivering science education and learning opportunities to the public.
Schools and districts can use ARP ESSER funds to advance STEM in Nevada. See funding recommendations from the Governor's Office of Science, Innovation and Technology.