Computer Science Education Week is Coming!
Computer Science Education Week 2019 will be December 9-15. This year's Hour of Code theme is: #CSforGood
To celebrate CS Ed Week the Nevada Department of Education will sponsor its SECOND statewide student video competition. The theme this year for the Hour of Code is #CSforGood. Our topic is: "Learn Computer Science. Change the World." - Demonstrate how you can use computer science to solve local problems and address global challenges. #CSforGood"
Visit the accordion dropdown below for more information.
Student Logo Contest:
Thank you to all who participated in this year's logo contest. Our winning design was awarded to Makayla Mueller from Carson City!! CONGRATULATIONS MAKAYLA!!
See press release here.
Why should you learn about Computer Science at your school?
Code.org believes schools should teach computer science like they teach math, or biology. Every student isn’t going to become a botanist, Hadi Partovi [CEO of Code.org] likes to say, but they all learn about photosynthesis, so they can understand how the world around them works.
The digital equivalent of that approach would:
- Provide all students with a broad conceptual understanding of how computers and the internet function, so they can participate knowledgeably in a digital society.
- Help students attack all kinds of problems computationally, breaking them down into smaller parts,and looking for patterns.
- Make sure they know how to work with large amounts of data, increasingly the lifeblood of nearly every sector of the economy.
- Give students opportunities to test their ideas in the real world, so they learn the process for creating technology, not just consuming it.
- And teach them coding—in a way that is not limited to any single programming language or environment.
“We don’t want to prepare students for just one type of job,” Partovi said. “We want to prepare them for life.”
[Education Week article: https://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2018/02/20/computer-science-for-all-can-schools-pull.html]
Computer Science Ed Week - First week in December
To celebrate CS Ed Week December 9 - 15, 2019, the Nevada Department of Education will sponsor its SECOND statewide student video competition. The theme this year for the Hour of Code is #CSforGood. Our topic this year is: "Learn Computer Science. Change the World. - Demonstrate how you can use computer science to solve local problems and address global challenges. #CSforGood"
"Computer science can be a powerful tool to spark change in the world, from writing apps to solving a local problem, to using new ideas in data science to address global challenges. #CSforGood" ~ Code.org
"Whether that means building affordable technology to help farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, programming white blood cells to fight cancer, or revolutionizing the packaged foods industry with artificial intelligence, people are using CS in creative ways to solve problems and provide opportunities for others. Large, systemic challenges such as poverty, discrimination, and environmental sustainability will require attitude shifts, wide-scale cooperation, and in some cases, personal or collective sacrifice. But technology can help jumpstart efforts, detect problems, and ease barriers to solving these enormous and pressing issues." ~ Medium.com.
Click here for complete article. Computer Science Innovators: click here
Please visit our STEMHub CSforNV event page for more information on how to participate.
Past Award Winners: 2018 (Link to photos: click here)
FIRST PLACE: Trent Smith, Clark County SD
SECOND PLACE: Rochelle Ortiz and Stephen Gallagher, Clark County SD
THIRD PLACE: Randy Barranca, Clark County SD