Educators: Click on the tabs below to access information about professional development opportunities, licensing requirements, the new Nevada K-12 Computer Science Standards, and more!
Elementary: PD and Resources
Professional Development Opportunities for Elementary School Educators:
Computer Science Standards- This asynchronous 15-hour Canvas course teaches all you need to know about the Computer Science standards in the K-2, 3-5, or 6-8 grade band. Each course includes real world connections and resources that can be implemented immediately in your classroom!
Contact your Regional Professional Development Program for additional learning opportunities or visit their website:
Middle School: PD and Resources
Professional Development Opportunities for Middle School Educators:
Code.org - Computer Science Discoveries is an introductory course that empowers students to engage with Computer Science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem solving, and fun.
Length: Semester or full-year course (150+ hours)
Recommended age: Ages 11-14
Prerequisites: None
Professional learning for teachers: FREE 1-week summer workshop, four 1-day workshops throughout the academic year, and online support.
Cost for the curriculum: NONE
Click this link to register for this PD: Code.org Computer Science Discoveries
Please reach out to RPDP - Jason Lillebo for more information on the next training available.
High School: PD and Resources
Professional Development Opportunities for High School Educators:
Code.org - Computer Science Principles covers many topics including the Internet, Big Data and Privacy, and Programming and Algorithms. The curriculum is flexible to be taught as a normal course or as an AP course.
Length: Full-year course (120-180 hours)
Recommended age: Ages 14-18
Prerequisites: None
Professional learning for teachers: FREE 1-week summer workshop, four 1-day workshops throughout the academic year, and online support
Cost to use curriculum: NONE
AP CSA is a Java programming course and associated Advanced Placement exam from the College Board. It includes content expected to be covered in an introductory college computer science course. Topics include object-oriented programming, giving objects state, expanding program data, expanding program logic, giving objects organization, expanding program capability, expanding program behavior, and giving objects life.
Length: Full-year course
Prerequisites: Students and teachers familiar to the discipline, having already covered Computer Science Discoveries (CSD) or Computer Science Principles (CSP).
Professional learning for teachers: FREE 1-week summer workshop, eight half-day workshops throughout the academic year, a 2-day capstone the following summer, and online support.
Cost to use curriculum: NONE
Click here to register for these PD opportunities.
Please reach out to Jason Lillebo (lilleboj@rpdp.net) for more information.
New Licensing Endorsement Requirements for CS
Computer Science Endorsements FAQ
Endorsement Course Offerings in Nevada
At the July 18, 2018 workshop, the Commission on Professional Standards unanimously approved the regulatory language for R009-17 from LCB, the endorsements related to computer science education as shown below. They were also approved at the August 30, 2018 State Board meeting and completed the process with final approval of the Legislative Commission on June 25, 2019.
NOTE: These changes to the computer science endorsements apply to teachers who are getting them for the FIRST time. If you currently hold computer science or computer literacy endorsements from the past, you DO NOT need to get re-licensed. You should, however, get professional development in the areas that you need to comply with the upcoming endorsement and course changes.
These are endorsements to teach computer science, computational thinking, and integrated technology that may be added to an existing teaching license.
For specific questions regarding licensing, please visit the NDE Licensure Page here. These NDE licensing pages outline all endorsements available and link them directly back to the NAC for each one. NOTE The changes are completely in effect as of June 25, 2019. They have completed the entire approval process.
We understand that some folks are in the process of receiving the former endorsements and some are working towards these new endorsements. We will work with each specific case to make sure your efforts are not invalid in either situation. There are currently TWO computer science endorsements that can be added on to a base teacher license:
1. Endorsement to teach Introductory Computer Science. (NRS 391.019)
To receive an endorsement to teach introductory computer science that includes issues relating to information technology, tools for productivity, communication and research, and computational thinking in kindergarten through grade 12, a person must have a valid elementary, secondary license or special license, a valid license to teach special education or a valid license to teach middle school or junior high school education, and must have completed nine semester hours of coursework consisting of:
1. Three semester hours of coursework in a course of study that covers methods for teaching computer science;
2. Three semester hours of coursework in a course of study that covers concepts in computer science; and
3. Three semester hours of coursework in a course of study that covers methods for teaching computer applications which include, without limitation: (a) word processing and the use of spreadsheets; (b) communication and collaboration tools; (c) internet research tools; (d) internet safety; and (e) proper keyboarding techniques.
NOTE: This endorsement was fully updated to make this Introductory Computer Science endorsement available to ALL K-12 teachers. Changes were approved by the Commission on Professional Standards board on April 30, 2021, by the State Board on June 3, 2021, and by the Legislative Commission on Education on February 28, 2022.
2. Endorsement to teach Advanced Computer Science. (NRS 385.080, 391.019)
To receive an endorsement to teach advanced computer science, a person must have a valid secondary license, and must:
1. Successfully complete twelve semester hours of coursework, consisting of:
(a) Three semester hours of coursework in a course of study that covers methods for teaching computer science;
(b) Three semester hours of coursework in a course of study that covers concepts in computer science; and
(c) Six semester hours of coursework in a course of study that covers instruction concerning programming in computer languages;
2. Submit to the Department official documentation which indicates that the person passed, at the level of competency specified by the Commission, the "Praxis Computer Science Test" prepared and administered by the Educational Testing Service.
Interested in taking the CS Praxis to test out for your Advanced Computer Science endorsement?
Praxis Prep course: FREE CS Praxis prep course is available to ALL Nevada educators. Click here to access the available CANVAS course.
More information and resources: Contact Jason Lillebo at lilleboj@rpdp.net for access to a Computer Science Praxis study guide and practice exams.
If you are an administrator or teacher who is wondering which endorsements are needed to teach what courses in the future, here is a guide that will help you understand the options: Computer Science Endorsements FAQ
For initial endorsement acquisition: there are numerous course offerings available throughout the state, both in person and online, that meet the requirements of these new endorsements. New approved courses are becoming available all the time, so check back often.
Questions regarding specific courses needed for endorsement and what universities offer these courses, can be found on this list here. This should answer what course work aligns with what endorsement.
Questions regarding course availability, location, and training dates contact:
- RPDP/UNLV coursework - Jason Lillebo at lilleboj@rpdp.net
- Touro University - Robert Askey at robert.askey@tun.touro.edu
- UNLV - Kendall Hartley at kendall.hartley@unlv.edu
Interested in taking the CS Praxis to test out for your CS endorsement?
Log into the NDE PL courses in Canvas.
Questions regarding endorsement waivers, deferments, or specific licensing cases, MUST be directed to the Department of Education's Office of Teacher Licensing.
- Provisional licensing information can be found here
- Contact Jeff Briske at jjbriske@doe.nv.gov for specific case information
Nevada K-12 Computer Science and Integrated Technology Standards
Computer Science is more than just computer programming. It is computational thinking, logical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem solving. These are tools our students need to be successful in the world they are now living in and the future that is to come.
"These skills strengthen local community, national innovation, and opportunities for youth. Computer Science (not computer literacy) underlies most innovation today, from biotechnology to cinematography to national security. Yet, the majority of U.S. schools require only that students USE computers. Seldom do schools prepare students to innovate and create the new technologies that drive local and national economies. This ability to innovate with technology is also important for students' future success and ability to make a difference in a global society." (NCWIT.org)
Nevada K-12 Computer Science Standards - full version with connections to other NV Academic Content Standards
Nevada K-12 Computer Science Standards - condensed version for better viewing of standard alignment across grade levels/bands
Note: These standards have been completely codified as of June 26, 2018.
These newly revised 2019 Integrated Technology standards have been approved by the Academic Standards Council on June 27, 2019 and the State Board on August 29, 2019.
The standards can be viewed here.
The COMPLETE document upon final approval will be known as the Nevada Academic Content Standards for Computer Science and Integrated Technology.
Byte-Size Seminar Series
In an attempt to provide accurate and timely information on computer science initiatives in Nevada, I have instituted this "Byte-Size Seminar Series" of trainings. Please check back on the calendar for upcoming sessions and email me with any topics you would like to discuss.
Here are the upcoming seminar topics:
- None at this time - what would you like to know about?
Please send me an email if there is a particular topic you would like to focus on - jacqueline.mccune@doe.nv.gov
Topic: All About the New AP Computer Science Principles Course and Who Is It For?
Session Recording - 10242018 - Byte Size Seminar Series All About the New AP Computer Science Principles Course
Slide deck - Computer Science AP Computer Science Principles
Topic: Computer Education and Technology prior to 6th grade - what does this look like?
Session Recording - 10242018 - 2018 10 24 16 00 Byte Size Seminar Computer Education and Technology Prior to 6th Grade What Does
Slide deck - Computer Science Digital Literacy in Elementary
Topic: Recent Changes to the Half-Credit Graduation Requirement - what do educators at all levels need to know?
Session Recording - 10232018 - 2018 10 23 15 58 Byte Size Seminar Computer Science Half Credit Graduation Requirement
Slide deck - Computer ScienceHalf-Credit CS Graduation Requirement
Topic: Senate Bill 200 - Broadening Computer Science Education in Nevada
*** NOTE: One change has been made since these recordings -- The Computer Science subcommittee has selected the subset of standards for the half-credit graduation requirement course. They have also created a Guidance Document (click here) to help districts/schools develop this upgraded course. As a result, districts will have until the school year 2019-2020 to have this course in place. The Graduating Class of 2023 is the first required to have this on their transcript. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Elementary Educators:
Session Recording - 04182018 - Byte-Size Seminar Series: Elementary Educators (04-18-2018 recording)
Slide deck - Elementary Educators
Elementary Administrators:
Session Recording - 04192018 - Byte-Size Seminar Series: Elementary Administrators (04-19-2018 recording)
Slide deck - Elementary Administrators
Secondary Educators:
Session Recording - 04192018 - Byte-Size Seminar Series: Secondary Educators (04-19-2018 recording)
Slide deck - Secondary Educators
Secondary Administrators:
Session Recording - 04182018 - Byte-Size Seminar Series: Secondary Admin (04-18-2018 recording)
Slide deck - Secondary Administrators
District Leaders:
Session Recording - 04202018 - Byte-Size Seminar Series: District Leaders - Session #1 (04-20-2018 recording)
Slide deck - District Leaders
School Counselors:
Slide deck - Counselors
Digital Learning Resources
Digital Learning Resources
Please visit the Nevada Digital Learning Collaborative Website for resources to support digital and distance learning, and hybrid models of teaching.
Important Reminders for Teachers When Instructing Online
Key Tips for Distance Learning- click here
Don't forget about Social and Emotional Learning at this time. Click here for an article on ways to support SEL during COVID-19
Focus on what works best for YOUR students based on age, content, and technology access. This may include all online (accessed through computer/laptop/iPad/phone), a combination of online and unplugged lessons and activities, phone calls and email instructions
Create asynchronous learning experiences. Not all students will be able to access your content at the same time, especially if they are sharing devices with their siblings, so keep this in mind as you are creating your content.
Less is more for quantity of assignments and instruction. Ask yourself, what assignment or video instruction will get the message across clearly and succinctly. Keep video instructions short (3 mins or less) or consider breaking them apart by topic. Focus on only a few main topics you want to get across. Keep things simple right now. Things are already a bit stressful for everyone.
Offer a variety of options and experiences to allow for personalization of the learning. Have students watch a video demonstration, assign writing prompts, offer multiple activity options for students to choose from.
Give explicit instructions and time expectations. Without certain facial cues or body language that supports face-to-face instruction, It is impossible to get your point across without clear, concise instructions and expectations.
Specify expectations for students and parents. Don’t forget to include the parents in this online journey. Give them a login/access to the portal/content so they can better support their child and support the teacher.
Be empathetic and flexible to the circumstances. Consider overlooking “late” work. Each home is reacting to their unique situation. Where before we were able to work with the students outside of their home situation, now we are working with them from inside it and all that may entail.
Communicate consistently and constantly. Email, family newsletters, chat within the online portal, phone calls home, etc.
Become familiar with the technology and tools needed to participate in the work and stick with them. Reach out to school, district and state leaders for support guidance and training as needed.
Schedule online “office hours”. Your students will enjoy the opportunity to “see” you and their fellow students. Plus, it will prepare them for the future as many businesses use video conferencing to conduct their work.
Encourage collaboration among your students. Conferencing apps like Zoom and Google Meet will allow you to “jump” into virtual classrooms for collaboration time and then “jump” back into the main “classroom” again for shareout. They can also collaborate via phone or email.
Connect with other educators and the DOE for support. You are not alone! We are taking this journey together. Reach out to a colleague. If you don’t have one, reach out to meet and I will put you in touch with one.
Take care of yourself! First and foremost….remember to “put your mask on first” just like the safety instructions on an airplane. You can’t be there for your students, your family, or anyone else for that matter, unless you take care of yourself first.
Important Reminders for Students When Learning Online
Key Tips for Distance Learning
Check your email & communicate. You must remain an active participant in your learning. Communicate often with your teacher through the method they prescribe for you.
Plan your time each day and schedule breaks. Work with your caregiver to plan out a schedule for the day’s study time. Think about following the regular school day or make one of your own that fits better with your family’s schedule. Remember to include regular “brain” breaks.
Have a distraction free place to work/study. A desk with all the tools you need at hand is always the best. The most important place though is one where you can relax, process the information you are accessing, and complete the activities requested. For younger students, a quiet place where parents/caregivers can support the learning is optimal.
Focus on learning styles that work best for you. If you receive optional activities to work on, try several of them to see which learning style/activity you like best and helps you learn. You may find a different learning style that works for you better than you thought!
Become familiar with the technology and tools needed to participate in the work. Seek out resources to help you understand a new technology, device, or tool. Ask Google for resources. Lifelong learning is important for everyone to take part in. Search for answers on your own first, then reach out to others when you have tried everything else.
Collaborate with others. Conferencing apps like Zoom and Google Meet will allow you to visually collaborate with your classmates and teacher. You can work on projects together, hold club meetings, and so much more! You can also collaborate via phone or email. Many conferencing apps work on a smartphone as well.
Take care of yourself! Use proper hygiene, wash your hands often using soap and warm water while singing your favorite song for 20 seconds or more, and do your best to follow the safety measures put in place by your parents and other individuals at this time.
Pedagogical Resources
Tools for Developing Content
Google for Education - all apps (docs, sheets, forms) ie use forms for daily attendance, it will log the date and time automatically.
Screencasting Apps - options to create instructional videos and tutorials
Google Classroom - How to video on using Google Classroom
Schoology - there are free and paid versions available.
Canvas - District access may already be available through Infinite Campus. Guide for using Canvas. Using modules to build a course - video tutorial
Distance Learning Using Google Slides - by Alice Keeler. If you haven’t been using any distance learning before, this may help you ease into it. Keep things SIMPLE to start.
Zoom - free video conferencing - Pro version allows you to set up ‘breakout rooms’ for collaboration
Google Meet - part of Google for Education (may need to have your district turn this feature on in your Suite if you have it.
Kahoot! - group learning, games, quizzes, more
Padlet - digital classroom collaboration (discussion boards, etc)
Quizlet - studying tools for students (flash cards, games, all subjects)
PearDeck - also PearDeck for use with Google Slides
Internet/Device Access and Resources
Cox Communications - Twitter: @CoxComm | Website: cox.com/c2c. Access to low cost internet access and setup, access to devices for students
Students With Disabilities
COVID-19 and Students With Disabilities - Nevada Department of Education Memorandum sent to District Superintendents on March 18, 2020
School Closures Bring Confusion - article on supporting students with severe disabilities during this transition to online learning. The best thing to remember is that as a student’s teacher, you know best how to support them and their families, and that communication is key through this unprecedented time. We may need to be creative and think outside of the box for the support options that we have available to us.
Computer Science Resources for Students with disabilities - Quorum Programming Language for high school and AP CS Principles specifically. K-8 resources are currently in research.
Curriculum Resources
Curriculum Resources for Computer Science
On June 4, 2020, the Nevada State Board of Education has approved the following Computer Science curriculum for use by all districts and public charter schools in Nevada.
The adoption of any curriculum will be at the discretion of each individual Local Education Agency (LEA) or school:
Approved Computer Science Curriculum
Additional Online Resources for Computer Science
Code.org - Computer Science Curriculum (online and unplugged lessons) for K-12. Also, Code.org has compiled "unplugged" computer science activities (that link to other content areas as well), and smartphone-compatible activities for students who may not have immediate access to reliable internet or laptops. They will be launching "Code Break" starting March 25th - a live weekly webcast where the Code.org team will teach children at home while school is closed, and a weekly challenge to engagte students of all abilities, even those without computers. All resources may be found at code.org/athome.
CodeHS - K-12 Computer Science Curriculum. Code HS Pro is now open and free to the end of the school year. Virtual Learning Guide available.
CompuScholar - (offering free curriculum through the end of this school year)
CSTA Resources - List of resources to support CS learning online
KhanAcademy - Computer Science courses (among others)
Kids and Coding - Designed for educators and beginners to help teach the skill of coding.
Curriculum Resources for Other Subjects (recognizing that many CS teachers teach other subjects as well)
K12 Flexbooks - Customizable online textbooks for all subjects
iXL - online resources for distance learning (all subjects)
Computer Science Awards and Recognition
Do you know an outstanding Computer Science teacher? Are YOU that teacher?
The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching is looking for YOU.
Visit: https://www.paemst.org/ for more information and to nominate or apply for this prestigious award.
30 Air Force Junior ROTC schools throughout the country were selected to pilot a new initiative to prepare the next generation of computing and cybersecurity workers.
Shadow Ridge High School's very own Lloyd Mann was selected to attend this special training. Click here for more information on this new program.