The Nevada STEM Framework describes the attributes of high-quality STEM schools, including their systems, instruction, experiences, and community partnerships. Below, you will find resources to support your school's goals and initiatives, organized by Framework Category.
Find the latest version of the Nevada STEM Framework at https://osit.nv.gov/STEM/NV_STEM_Framework/
Category I: The School
The School Category describes school-wide systems that enable and sustain successful implementation of high-quality STEM programming. Systems include a clear STEM vision, strong leadership that believes in STEM and can make cultural changes at the school, time for professional learning and planning, and a flexible schedule that allows for STEM experiences.
ACESSE Resource C - Making Science Instruction Compelling for All Students: https://oercommons.org/courseware/lesson/14482/overview
Discover Engineering: Messages Matter: Effective Messages for Reaching Tomorrow's Innovators: https://discovere.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/DiscoverE-Messages-Matter-Executive-Summary-Feb-2023.pdf
NAPE Root Causes and Strategies tookit: https://napequity.org/root/
OSIT STEM Equity Plan Template
STEM Equity Program Evaluation Rubric: https://napequity.org/stem/stem-equity-project/imstem/stem-equity-program-evaluation-rubric/
STEM Teaching Tools, Equity Collection: https://stemteachingtools.org/tgs/Equity
Strategic Planning
Category II: The Classroom
The Classroom Category describes high-quality STEM learning experiences. High-quality STEM learning experiences rely on authentic, real-world problem solving and collaboration that aligns to the local STEM workforce.
Professional Learning
National Institute for STEM Education: https://nise.institute/
STEAM: A Working Definition and Guiding Principals: https://osit.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/osit.nv.gov/Content/STEM/FINAL_DRAFT_STEAM_WP_4.10.18%20(POSTED-5-22).pdf
Instructional Planning
Next Generation Storylines: https://www.nextgenstorylines.org/
Priority Features of NGSS-Aligned Instructional Materials: https://osit.nv.gov/uploadedFiles/osit.nv.gov/Content/STEM/Recommendations-NGSS-Instructional-Materials-White-Paper15877[final].pdf
Science and Engineering Practices Progression by Grade Level: https://static.nsta.org/ngss/resources/MatrixForK-12ProgressionOfScienceAndEngineeringPracticesInNGSS.8.14.14.pdf
Using the 5E Instructional Model to Introduce STEM Disciplines: https://www.nsta.org/journals/science-and-children/science-and-children-february-2019/guest-editorial-using-bscs-5e
Category III: The Community
The Community category describes interactions between STEM professionals, students, and families. When students of all ages work alongside STEM professionals, they develop a strong personal sense of STEM identity
Family Engagement
Million Girls Moonshot Toolkit: https://www.milliongirlsmoonshot.org/toolkit
WestEd Family Engagement Toolkit: https://www.wested.org/resources/family-engagement-toolkit/
STEM Next STEM Family Engagement Planning Tool: https://stemnext.org/stem-family-engagement-planning-tool/
Industry Connections
OSIT Community Partnership Manual
Workforce Connections NV My Future: https://nvworkforceconnections.org/nv-my-future/